SEO Copyrighting

What will your Website say?

Content development is crucial to SEO. SEO Web Site Guy was a High School English Teacher for 3 years.  He holds a Masters degree in Education.  Search Engines are looking for well-written web sites.  


What is well written?

  1. Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar, etc.
  2. Layout - the appropriate use of text headings indicates that the copy (writing) of your web site is well-organized.
  3. Writing for web – not all of the same style rules apply on the web. Citations, for example, are handled differently.
  4. Outbound links – citing “peer-reviewed”, research-based, or respected sources is an aspect of SEO that is often neglected.  This is something that a web-master or marketing consultant with a graduate degree should usually be able to do.
  5. Readability - targeted reading level is often overlooked by SEO copywriters. Their writing goes “over the heads” of their target market.  There are automated tools that evaluate the readability of a web site. Newspapers usually try to write at a 8th grade reading level.  The average reading level for adults in the US is 8th -9th grade, as cited in this article: 

“Adult Literacy in America (NALS)” National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Dept of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement (NCES 1993-275), April 2002.


Web site readers average a 8th grade reading level.  SEO Web Site Guy has taught 6th grade – 12th grade students.  He has a grasp of what they can and can not read.  You will notice that this web site has short sentences.  Will this drive higher readers away? 


“…improvements for lower-literacy users did not come at the expense of higher-literacy users…it doubles a website's ability to meet its goals.”



Readability is a key aspect of a websites overall usability.  According to more in-depth studies by the same author, Jakob Nielsen,


“…current usability ROI is so stupendously big (spend 10% to gain 83%)…”



“66 case studies of design improvements in redesigning websites: the measured improvements in key performance indicators (KPI metrics) ranged from 0% to 6,567%. (Yes, a few sites didn't get better; one site got more than 65 times better.)”




Writing for the Web

SEO Web Site Guy knows how to write for the web, and for lower readers.  SEO Web Site Guy has years of experience in:


  1. Web Programming/Design – 5 years
  2. High School English – 3 years
  3. Special Ed – 4 years
  4. Tech Training – 2 years




Web site accessibility to people with disabilities (visual impairments, learning disabilities) has become very important in SEO.


“Training adults on website and software use gave me a sense of what to expect of the average web site user.”


- SEO Web Site Guy


Readability is a key aspect of a websites overall usability. Usability expert Jakob Nielsen claims that "current usability ROI is so stupendously big (spend 10% to gain 83%)."


SEO Website Guy
50 Palatine
Irvine, CA 92612-5627

Email, or earn a discount by filling out an RFP form.


Area of Service

We are based in The South Coast Metro area of Southern California: Irvine, Newport Beach, Huntington Beach, Tustin, Costa Mesa